e log


A case of 65 yr old came with the chief  of 
Vomitings since 5 days
 Altered sensorium since 4 days.
 Patient was apparently asymptomatic 7 months back  when he suddenly developed pain in the low back and loin region for which he went to hospital and was diagnosed with Ckd .. but was only on maintainance medication since  7 months and 
SINCE 1 month patient had history of intermittent head ache ,
FEVER  intermittent, which was low grade , no evening rise of temperature ,not associated  with chills rigors .
Headache was not associated with blurring of vision and diplopia .No history of ,giddiness ,photophobia and phono phobia .
Pt even has history of ? CAD , was on medication since 6 months .
Since 10 days patient had h/o loss of appetite and generalised weakness.

H/o vomittings since 5 days , 5-6 episodes/day, non bilious,non- blood stained, not associated  with pain abdomen, loose stools, immediately after food intake.
So patient got admitted in local hospital on 13/06/20 where he was being treated for vomittings and dyselectrolytemia (hyponatremia).
From Next day of hospital  admission patient was in altered sensorium.  He had one episode of involuntary movements of upper and lower limb for about 2-3 min ,associated with uprolling of eye balls . Outside hospital CT brain was done which showed no significant abnormality .
No h/o tongue bite , frothing ,no h/o involuntary bowel and bladder  movements. 
Then pt was referred  here in view of altered mental status  on 18/06/20 at 3pm .
No H/O cough, SOB ,no h/o decreased urine output. 
No h/o chestpain ,palpitations  ,pedal edema ,no h/o burning  micturition. 
K/c/o ckd since 7 months on conservative management .
K/c/o HTN since1 yr
Not a K/c/o epilepsy,  cva, TB , asthma in the past .
Pt is a toddy drinker 90ml/day since 30 years .stopped since  3months 
Pt is chronic smoker since 30 yrs .5 beedis /day. Stopped 6 months ago .
General examination 
Pt is drowsy , GCS - E4V1M4
Temp - Afebrile 
Pr -90/min
Grbs - 109mgdl
 Systemic examination 
Cvs - s1,s2 heard
Rs -BAE present 
POWER - 3/5  3/5
                3/5    3/5
TONE - N     N 
REFLEXES  -  B   T   S   K   A    P
R  -                 -     -    -    +1  +1   MUTE
L-                  -      -     -    -      -     MUTE 
No neck stiffness .
Brudzinski sign present 
No kernigs sign 

P/a - soft, non- tender . Pt passed stools4 days back.
     19/6      20/6     21/6     22/6   23/6    24/6
Hb    11      10          11.4      9.2      8.9       9.4
(gm / dl)                                                                Tc 22,200 13,600 13,700 15,700 18.1k  16.2k
Plts   3.66 1.84         2.28       2.33    2.0   1.85

Serum creatinine
      2.7           2.3          2.7       3.2    3.4      3.1              Blood urea
           108          94       100     118      129  123 
Na       140     131                     129     134  138  K           3.3   3.0                       3.7     4.5    4.4
Cl      102       95                      94        101 102 

ESR  80 
Smear for MP negative  , 
Hiv,hbsag ,hcv - negative. 
Blood and urine ctures were negative .
Initially  pt was treated  with :                            
1)Inj .piptaz 4.5 gm IV BD
2) IVF 0.45 %NS and DNS @ urine output  plys 30ml /hr .
3) Tab Amlong 10 mg /RT /OD .
4) Inj Levipil 500 mg IV BD 
5) T. Ecosrpin AV 75/20 mg /HS /RT 
6) Ryeles tube feeding - milk plus protein powder 
7)Inj pan 40 mg /IV /OD 
8) Inj Zofer 4mg /IV /TiD 

 Next day morning MRI brain was done which was showing obstructive hydrocephalus with ventriculitis .
Multiple acute infarcts in bilateral cerebellar hemispheres.
 So pt was started on
 inj ceftriaxone 2g/IV /tid
Inj Vancomycin  1g/IV /OD 
Inj dexamethasone 8mg/IV /TID.
INJ MANNITOL 100ml IV /Tid .
T.Clopidogrel 75mg /RT / HS
Tab .Met xl 25mg /RT /OD 
Rest same treatment  continued (piptaz was with held)

On 21/6/20 -
morning 9am - PT DROWSY , pt had 3 fever spikes since past 24 hrs .
Bp - 150/100
Pr -132bpm 
GCS -E2V1M3 
RR-25/MIN .
  Aound 11 am lumbar puncture  was done which showed lymphocytic pleocytosis .
With decreased csf glucose and raised proteins .
Csf - no growth 
Indian ink -no budding yeast cells seen.
No afb seen .

Same day in view of low gcs and respiratory  distress patient was intubated and put on mechanical ventilator- ACMC -VC mode 
Tv - 360 ml
Peep - 5cm of h2o
Fio2 - 100 %
Spo2 -99% 
I:E -1:2 
Bp - 140/100 mmhg 
Pr - 140 bpm 
Inj nor adrenaline  was started at night in view of low blood pressure.

ATT was started from 22/06/20 - adjusted according to renal doses.
Gcs -3/15
Pupils 5mm - bilateral not reacting to light.
Deep tendon reflexes were negative and dollseye absent ,croneal reflex absent ,but gag reflex was present .

Next  day -( 23/06/20) - 
Pupils not reacting to light , corneal reflex absent ,gag reflex and cough reflex absent . Dolls eye movement absent .
Vestibo occular reflex tested by cold caloric testing - no nystagmus seen to opposite side.
No motor response to deep painful stimuli.
Same treatment  continued. 

24 /06/20 -PT had cardiac arrest - 3 cycles of cpr done. Pt was revived and connected back to ventilator. 

ADA 6.5 
CSF CYTOLOGY: Inflammatory lesion 
Lymphocytes predominate 
Csf :  volume :1ml
Appearance :clear

Viral markers   :          anti HCV,HBsAg,HIV1/2 rapid test negative
PT   16 sec
INR 1.11
Aptt   33 sec
Serum iron 83
Blood c/s   no growth after 24 hrs incubation 
Urine c/s   no growth after 24 hrs incubation
Csf           no growth after 24 hrs incubation         


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